Creativity and the Gift of Conflict

Creativity and the Gift of Conflict

Greetings from afar! I’m communing with Mother India, who speaks to my soul, who I can love or hate but never feel indifferent about. I’m here with a group of travellers who trust my dear friend Barbra and myself — two wild women — enough to...
The Season of Sweetness

The Season of Sweetness

What I love most about this time of year is my persimmon tree. Did you know that the stunningly orange fruits ripen on the tree once the leaves have fallen off? As a child in Italy, this meant nothing to me–but I found myself drawing these trees and their fruit...
Walking the Edge

Walking the Edge

There is a way in which I get repetitive and rote in my approach to living. And then some place in me gets louder and louder with discontent. It feels tired and bored. This place feels dulled by the minutia. Resents doing over and over the little actions that make up...
AlohaSi in Tuscany…..

AlohaSi in Tuscany…..

  I am in Tuscany with my friend Patrizia GavoniĀ  to retreat and collaborate on the AlohaSi project coming soon to the US…… Please check out the article on the Italian Yoga Journal and our video ( in Italian, of course!)

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