Drop-In Classes

Current Schedule

Chiara continues to teach throughout this time of accommodations, physical distancing and focusing on the health of ourselves and our community. As things change in the environment, so do Chiara’s offerings.

Taste of Somat

Take an hour to nurture your whole self during this ongoing Somat class. Chiara leads breath and movement sequences designed to calm your nervous system, relax your muscles and decompresses your spine. The sequences are slow, organic and fluid, focusing on the spine and the rhythm of the breath. Effects include a settling of parasympathetic responses and easing of stress, as well as alleviation of neck, spine and hip complaints. 

  • Tuesdays  12:00-1:00pm  All Levels Welcome


$100/one month of prepaid classes includes weekly recordings to practice with (recordings expire in 1 month)

  • Register by emailing Chiara and let her know your intention to participate.
  • Payments an be made by check or Venmo. Contact Chiara for her address and arrangements.

Participants are invited to use their own Somat if they have one, or they can purchase one for delivery prior to class. Purchase Somats here.

If you don’t own or cannot afford a Somat right now, no worries. Please contact Chiara a few days before class so she can guide you through using items in your home to approximate a Somat.

Livestreamed Yoga Classes

As a senior instructor at 8Limbs Yoga Centers, Chiara is continuing a range of yoga classes for the public. Classes are livestreamed until further notice. You will receive a livestream link upon registration. 


  • Tuesdays  2-3pm  Gentle
  • Wednesdays  9:30-10:30am  All Levels
  • Thursdays  2-3pm  Gentle

0Accommodated Yoga

This is a special small group session of gentle yoga, tailored to needs around strength, stability and range of motion. Reacquaint yourself to your body after a period of sedentariness, illness, injury, surgery…or simply because you want to feel good. Conducted over Zoom.

  • Thursdays  10:00am-11:30am

After registering, use this Zoom link each week:


To register, please email Chiara. You can make arrangements to pay with a check per class or monthly.

Drop-In Class Schedule

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Focusing on the Core

Chiara teaches you to focus on the core – the deepest musculature of the body’s center – and the breath. A stabilized core better supports our joints and helps to relax the outer layers – so often tense and rigid – and the breath, which clarifies and enlivens our experience in the body. By cultivating awareness in this way, you will connect to a deeper place within yourself, resulting in strength and grace. Chiara’s classes are readily accessible to anyone with a basic background in yoga, and an interest in strengthening the core.

Chiara also has a strong interest in injury evaluation and treatment, and welcomes students recovering from injury or other physical pain. Chiara adapts movement so that all students can participate and develop the support their bodies need to recover. Her instruction is lively, accessible, encouraging and compassionate, working with each student to create a safe, strong practice.

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