I recently had the opportunity to sit down with my colleague Kathleen Macferran, with whom I co-host a series of  NonViolent Communication and Yoga workshops that I’ve been offering over the past several months. We wanted to have some conversation around what we are personally bringing to this work, and in particular, what one can expect at the week-long retreat this August at the Feathered Pipe Ranch in Montana.

What is especially unique about the combination of Kathleen and I is that we expand beyond the intellectual focus into the experiential, by starting with our own bodies. Many people overlook the fact that the very first person (or sadly the last one) that they are in relationship with is themselves. Through conscious breath and very deliberate movement we begin to identify what we feel, where we feel it in body or whether we are aware of having any feeling at all.  As I love to say, “The issues are in the tissues!”.

Once we begin to openly and compassionately connect with ourselves in this way, then we are poised to begin to listen to one another.  This is where the fun…and the potential for real connection in our relationships begins.


The Communication of Yoga: Compassion On & Off the Mat
June 12 | 8Limbs Yoga, Phinney Ridge | 12-4pm | info

RETREAT: The Communication of Yoga
Aug 22-28 | Feathered Pipe Ranch, MT | info






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