You spent the first half of your life becoming somebody. Now spend time working on becoming nobody – which is really somebody. For when you become nobody, there is no tension, no pretense, no one trying to be anyone or anything. The natural state of the mind shindes through unobstructed – and the natural state of the mind is pure love. (Ram Dass)

Aldermarsh Retreat Center on Whidbey Island provides a soothing, spectacular venue for a weekend of yoga, relaxation, and rejuvenation. Asana, pranayama, and meditation practices will be accessible to all. Those new to yoga will be gently guided toward the opening that the practice of yoga can offer, and more experienced students will find challenge and support for their on-going practice.

Aging brings with it the joys of experience, the challenges of changing bodies, and an opening to the possibility of a healthy, spiritually supported life. As the constraints of “the householder years” begin to fall away, we can learn to see this time of life as exciting, uplifting and filled with laughter and love. Open to the possibility that you are entering now the BEST part of your life, and feed your mind and body as you join us in this retreat experience.

The retreat will begin at 5:00 pm Friday evening and end after lunch Sunday.

For more information, click here…

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