NVC convention in Kochi, Kerala 2013

NVC convention in Kochi, Kerala 2013

I love to travel and take the opportunity to deepen my education, whether it’s formally or informally. The last time I was in India, I had an amazing experience with my friend Barbra. We’ve now turned it into a unique format for a trip happening January 25 – February 12, 2015.

The trip is divided into three parts:

First, we’ll get used to the time zone while learning non-violent communication at an Indian NVC conference, alongside Indian life in Ernakulam (fabulous vegetarian food, colorful attire, many languages spoken all around us).

Second, we’ll spend a week tasting the different flavors of landscape of Kerala–mountains, rivers, lakes, ocean–while integrating the communication skills we’ve learned and practicing meditation and asanas wherever we find the space to lay down.

Third, our last part of the trip will be for resting and deepening our connection with ourselves, as we experience more intensive asana practice and meditation and receiving Ayurvedic treatments. (Haven’t you always wanted a daily massage?)

With the group, we’ll have lots of opportunities to practice the principles we’re learning, with ourselves and with each other. India provides a rich array of images and experiences both within and outside our comfort zone. The places we visit, the experiences we have with each other: these combine into a compelling and exciting classroom.

There are four spaces remaining. Would you like to join?      India flyer  India Itinerary

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