Come along on a photo journey as I share the flavor mix we are experiencing on our Transformative Journey to India – happening right now! Next year, my colleague Barbra and I will be sending a similar array of photos from Bali…

Perhaps you’d like to join us there?

Atoll of Male, in The Maldives

Day time snorkeling and deep water diving surrounded by color and shapes in unimaginable combinations! We’re using SPF 70 sunscreen at all times to shield the equatorial strength sun rays.

Sunset yoga and meditation on the atoll of Male, Maldives. Our biggest complaint (if you can call it that) was sand on the mat.

Fort Kochi, Varkala and other locations in Kerala, India

Katakali dancers–an art born in the 17th century that requires studying each aspect for six  years–applying natural dye make-up before a performance of story-telling through dance, music and song. Performances are traditionally 6-7 hours long… We managed a fabulous one and a half hours.

We were driving and I look down this little bridge we were crossing and I see….tusks!!!! An elephant getting a spa treatment to prepare for the festival happening the next evening!

Look what you can see when riding a bus or walking through town…notice the baby being weighed alongside bananas.

Masala means “mix.” India is a mix of floating flowers and trash, of the Madonna and lotus flower, of many stretches outside of my usual panorama….

So much life!

Beaming with adventure, friendship and new views of life; full of yoga, meditation, and Somat practices. This is why I love to travel!

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