How Do I Stay Healthy? Check out my answer in Mantra Magazine!


In 60 words or less, how would you describe your approach to staying healthy? This is the question Mantra Magazine asked me to answer for a feature in their December issue (look, that’s my teacher Rod Stryker on the cover!). If you’re like me you have 60 ways to stay healthy, not just 60 words. Even though it was torturous to carve my answer down to 60 words, I found the exercise interesting and illuminating.

For instance, my initial brainstorm included the following:

  • eating freshly cooked meals
  • rubbing warm oil on my feet at bedtime
  • eating lots of vegetables
  • listening to what my body really wants to eat
That’s a lot of food-related health! I noticed that many of my health measures have to do with food and eating. I see the positive result of all this attention–in how my body feels, in my energy level, in my sleep. But seeing it all in one place, I realized how I could benefit from a greater balance. Health is more than just healthy food.
Another thing I noticed: the many different categories of approaches to being healthy:IMG_2930
  • Attention to my body from within: food, exercise, dance
  • Attention to my body from external sources: bodywork, scrubs, long soaks in hot springs
  • Keeping my mind calm: meditation, check-in conversations with friends
  • Staying spiritually connected: meditation, group practices, reading, dancing!
  • Social involvement: conversations, dance, gatherings,
  • Alone time: reorganizing my closets, bookshelves, gardening
  • Connection to the natural world: walks in nature, travel, breathing deep, gardening
Here’s a decision I’ve made recently that has everything to do with health – I’m shifting the balance of my one-on-one work: less massage, more Wellness Counselling. I love working individually with people to inspire them, support them and help them stay empowered about their choices.


So, for my own health, I’ll be offering sessions on self-empowerment, communication, lifestyle changes and removing the obstacles that hold you back from achieving your own personal wellness and goals. Feeling self-empowered is a key part of my own ability to keep myself healthy, and this is what I want to share.


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